Who Cares About Carbon Emissions?

Carbon emissions are created all the time, all around the world. So what? Carbon dioxide creates the largest man-made contribution to the greenhouse effect, which is what is slowly, yet persistently, warming our globe. That makes it the most important greenhouse gas out there. It's currently responsible for about 25% of the greenhouse effect. Methane and ozone, the next two on the list, incidentally, don't crack the double digits, so carbon emissions are in the lead, in a bad way, when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions.
We live not only in a carbon-based world, but a carbon emission-based society, and the scope of activities that produce carbon emissions is just huge. Anything involving petroleum, coal, natural gas has a carbon emission ticket attached; that includes all cars and most transportation, the vast majority of our nations' electricity production (about half comes from coal alone), and a whole lot of home heating systems, just as a small snapshot. So if you don't care, you should start to care.

Spinning Composter

This Spinning Composter is made of 50% post-consumer recycled plastic and it produces up to 85 pounds of odorless, fertile compost in about a month. Removable base collects water drippings (a nutritious byproduct). Eight built-in rollers spin to mix in oxygen and speed decomposition. This is a great way to keep more garbage out of our landfills.

Maritime Group Seeks Cleaner Fuel for Ships

Oceangoing ships are not the cleanest form of transportation. Their fuels usually have high sulfur content, which leads to high particulate emissions. And air that is high in particulates has been linked to health problems like asthma, heart attacks and lung cancer, particularly among people who live in coastal areas.
As a result, the International Maritime Organization has adopted policies calling for reducing the sulfur content of marine fuels, from an average of about 3 percent currently to 0.5 percent by 2020. A few areas have been created, notably in the Baltic and North seas, that will require use of fuel with even less sulfur.
A study in the journal Environmental Science and Technology suggests that such reductions, if enforced, would cut the number of potential premature deaths due to ship emissions in half in some cases.
James J. Winebrake of the Rochester Institute of Technology and colleagues modeled the impact of reducing sulfur content globally, and within 200 miles of coastal areas, versus maintaining the status quo. They found that by 2012, with no reduction in sulfur content, about 87,000 premature deaths annually could be attributed to ship emissions.
Reducing sulfur content to half of one percent worldwide would cut that number by about 41,000, they said.

Earthy Make-up...

Bare Escentuals uses crushed minerals from the earth, 100% pure bare minerals. This make-up is free of preservatives, talc, oil, fragrance and other potential skin irritants, and is free of fillers and binders. I have never had a make-up that was as weightless as bare minerals, and it has improved the condition of my skin over time. All ages and skin types can benefit from bare minerals, especially those concerned with skin sensitivities, allergies, scars, blemishes, rosacea, wrinkles and pigmentation. The foundation provides excellent coverage for every skin type and skin tone, and also protects with a natural SPF 15. This make-up is actually good for your skin and the environment. What else could you ask for?

Alternative to Fabric Softeners

Designed to reduce drying time and soften fabrics without the use of chemical fabric softeners, Dryer Balls are an eco-friendly solution to landfill-clogging dryer sheets and chemical-laden liquid softeners. As your wet laundry tumbles in the dryer, these bumpy balls lift and separate fabric to make it soft and fluffy, and allow air to flow more efficiently. Proven to make ironing easier, decrease lint and reduce drying time up to 25% in independent testing.

There's "chemical" clean and there's "green" clean

For years we have been trained that "clean" smells like lemon, vanilla, orange, pine, or cinnamon. The truth is that real clean doesn't have a smell, real clean can't hurt you. Getting both clean and green means rethinking what you have come to know as clean. In the mid 1950's, women mixed natural household ingredients like vinegar, lemon juice, and baking soda to form natural, safe, cost effective cleaners that worked very well. Slowly, chemical companies began introducing new chemical laden products that claimed to be more effective and easier to use. What we are now beginning to realize is that these products are like Trojan Horses. We brought them into our home thinking they were safe, only to find out they released an army of harmful chemicals. Most Americans, especially children, have many pesticides and other toxic chemicals in their bodies. Studies have shown that the source of these toxins are common, everyday, run of the mill household cleaning products.

Poland Springs "eco-shape": What a Joke!

The environmental movement has come up with a new word for companies that use fake green credentials to deceive consumers into believing their products help the natural world: greenwashing. Poland Springs has come out with a new "eco-shape" bottle that uses 30% less plastic then other bottled water companies. The label on the bottle neglects to mention that the water bottles are one of the most detrimental products for the world, even if they have less plastic than their competitors. Look at it this way, a gas guzzling SUV that gets 10 mpg is bad for the environment. If the same gas guzzling SUV got 30% better mileage (13mpg) it would still be ecologically detrimental, and could not be considered eco-friendly in any sense.

People naively assume that since something is marketed as eco-friendly, it is friendly for the environment. The Poland Spring Eco-Friendly water bottle does have 30% less plastic than an average water bottle, however, though that is a nice baby step in the right direction, it doesn't change the reality. What happens to a Poland Springs Eco-Friendly water bottle after it is used? About 80% of them are thrown away after a single use. According to the Container Recycling Institute, Americans threw out about 50 billion recyclable water bottles so far this year. Water bottles are a growing industry, and as the industry grows, so does its carbon footprint.

The bottom line is that you can get the same clean, great tasting water right from your tap. All you need is a Brita Water Pitcher and a reuseable bottle.

Bring Your Own Bags!!

The Planet Bag

The best answer to the question "Paper or Plastic?" is No, thank you. One of the best and easiest ways to save the planet is to bring your own reusable shopping bags to any store. Many grocery stores are now offering credits for each reusable bag you use in the store. The credits range from 2 to 10 cents depending on where you live. That's like an instant coupon that you don't have to clip!!!!

The positive impact on skipping plastic shopping bags is huge! As many as 30 BILLION plastic shopping bags end up as litter each year. They make their way into our oceans, killing birds, and ocean creatures by the millions.

Paper bags can be worse than plastic. Even though Americans recycle 20% of paper bags, it takes more energy to make one paper bag, and creates more waste than two plastic bags.

Klean Kanteen

Klean Kanteen Stainless Steel Colored Water Bottles with Poly Loop Cap

Klean Kanteen is a lightweight, re-usable, body-friendly bottle free of bisphenol A (BPA). This bottle is durable enough to last a lifetime. This eco-fabulous container is easy-to-clean, and easy-to-carry. Beverages are clean tasting no matter how many times you use it!!! It was the best $10 investment I've ever made!!!

An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient Truth

Wake up and smell the coffee everyone!!! An Inconvenient Truth is a wake up, slap in the face eye opener. Al Gore reviews the scientific opinion on climate change, and describes the consequences he believes climate change will produce if the amount of human-generated greenhouse gases is not significantly reduced. If you want to learn about global warming this is the movie to see!!!

Grow Your Own Fruits & Vegetables

Our food travels an average of 1,500 to 2,500 miles to reach our plates (Wow! That's almost like driving from here to California!!). Trucks use a lot of gas and fumes to make that trip. Why not grow your produce in your own backyard? A simple garden will not only will this save you money and reduce carbon emissions, but you will know exactly how your food is grown and what went into it. You won't have to worry about harmful pesticides or other chemicals that might be lingering on your food.

If you are unable to grow your own produce at home then you may want to consider shopping at your local farmer's market. By doing so will definitely save on "food miles".

Buy In Bulk

When I say buy in bulk I don't mean buying large cases of individually wrapped goods. Buying in bulk means buying the largest size of a product that you need. For example, buying a 64oz bottle of laundry detergent rather than a 32oz bottle is better for the environment because it uses less packaging per unit. Not only is this better for the environment to buy in bulk, but it is better for your wallet because the larger size almost always costs less.

Join a bulk buying club like BJ's, Costco, or Sam's Club so you can save money, and the environment by purchasing larger-sized containers of almost anything you use in your home.

What happened to the EV1??

Who Killed the Electric Car?

Talk about a conspiracy...This is by far one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. This movie explores the creation, limited commercialization, and subsequent destruction of the battery operated vehicle in the United States, specifically the GM EV1 of the 1990s. The film looks at the roles of car companies, the oil industry, and the US government. I never knew this car exsisted until I watched this film...